Monday, November 10, 2008

We must lead boring lives...

I have decided that we must lead boring lives right now. We check Jennifer's site pretty much everyday and there is always something new and exciting going on at the Chateau Kaufman, but here....not so much. I try and think of things to post about alot of the time but today , I just couldn't think of anything, so we get this post...about nothing. lol...carry on.


ladytendaha said...

You should try our lives if you want boring!!! Study, study, and study some more!

Jennifer said...

Lol... have you SEEN my last couple of posts? (Well, other than the most recent - it's got a cute picture or two :)). I have made a goal to blog every day this month (as part of a national blogging thing), which is the only reason it's updated so frequently. I hardly think making a note about formula is excitement! ;)

The Crazy Rose 7 said...

lol, Jen...But people think ANYTHING about babies is exciting. You could blog about them blinking cute and people would love it...LMBO!

The Crazy Rose 7 said...

Ahh Kim, that does sound like no fun. Hang in there!