Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My mom was on TV!!

She was on channel 9 talking about working from home and she was great! YAY MOM!!


Jennifer said...

How cool! I hope the bug is gone quickly and doesn't get the rest of your family!

ladytendaha said...

I love that your mom was on tv! How did she manage that one? What did she think of it?

Lamia came home from school yesterday sick, having thrown up on the bus! Now she's left with a fever and cold symptoms, seems like the flu to me. :(

The Crazy Rose 7 said...

Hey Kim,

I'm so sorry Lamia is feeling bad. ;-( And getting sick on the bus is the worst. Tell her we hope she's feeling better soon.

Actually the company she works for called her and asked if it was ok if the tv station came and interviewed her. It was supposed to be on last week but she ended up getting bumped for something else, so we had no idea if we would ever see it. I was just watching tv and heard the promo for the news talking about good work from home jobs and figured she was finally going to get to be on. I wish I could figure out how to post a video from my phone because I could record and show you the whole thing since I have it on tivo. We think she might be on again because her boss called and said someone else wanted to interview her. She's becoming a regular star. ;-)