Monday, November 3, 2008

Here they are...Halloween 2008

Okay, I'm a little late but here are some promised pictures from Halloween. But you will notice that there are several kids missing. That is because they have now become wise as to where I put the pictures after I take them. lol. I could only get one of Lindsay (who looks thrilled) and Jenna (who is a camera hog). Everyone else was like "NO WAY". So, I see I will have to take spy pics of them so noone knows. ;-) Anyway, Lindsay costume was a last minute thing, she couldn't figure out what she wanted to be so I was looking for some ideas online and found this one. She is a "Pop Princess" I stuck a bunch of pop cans and bottles all over her and made her a pop crown that said "pop princess", this literally took me 5 minutes and people talked about it all night! Everywhere we went they commented on how cute is was, what a good idea or how inventive. I could not get over that something that was so simple got so many compliments!! Oh and if your keeping track, this is Jenna's 3RD costume, this time she's Hannah Montana. ;-)

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