Friday, November 7, 2008


I live about 5 seconds from Kroger, I mean literally you see it outside my front door. So we walk there all the time to get odds and ends instead of driving, plus we could all use the exercise. ;-) Anyway, the kids were running down the sidewalk and all excited and Austin felt Jenna was running just a little to slow for his liking and decided to give her a little shove to make her run a little faster....only she went face down in the pavement. Blood running down her face and everything. She is ok but ended up with a sad looking little face. Here are some pics of it. Oh and please ignore me pic in the one pic, I only added that one because it shows the scrapes really well. ;-)


Jennifer said...

Aww, poor Jenna!

ladytendaha said...

Tell her we all feel for her, and that big brother's can be such pains sometimes, even when they don't mean to be. ;)