I was commenting on something on Jennifer's blog (Chateau Kaufman) about posting everyday and it got me to thinking. I wonder how many people actually read this? I mean, its not a big deal really as I like doing it, but how many of you are out there? One, two?? Just a curious....
i read it
You know I'm here! :) I would venture to guess lots more than you think.... I have blatantly asked for comments at times and get just a few people chiming in, but then I run into someone in person and it seems lots of people read in "lurker" mode! Our parents even have people we don't know tell us they follow along..... word gets out, somehow! :)
Melissa, I've tried to comment before and don't know if they're getting to you!
Terrie, you did it this time. ;-) I hope your doing okay. I'm thinking of you.
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