Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get the Thanksgiving pictures up. We went shopping all day yesterday for Black Friday (got LOTS of deals) and this is the first chance that I've had to sit down at the computer. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. As you all know this one was a hrad one for us as its the first one without my dad. But overall I think we did ok. This is the first year for as long as I can remember that it wasn't at my parents house, but my mom was understandably leery about having it there this year so I had it at my house. And obviously this my my first year doing Thanksgiving EVER, and its the first year we've had a house big enough to hold everyone. lol. But I think we did pretty well. We cooked for 2 days straight and had a TON of food, as you will see by the pictures we made 2 turkys, one from the oven and one deep fried. If you haven't had deep fried to turkey I HIGHLY recommend it because it is awesome!! So we all fed ourselves to the point of popping and before we knew it Thanksgiving 08' was over.:-)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Poor Santa...They Overwhelmed Him!

Last Sunday we went to one of the kids (and Jeremiah's) favorite places to go, The Pro Bass Store. They just love to see that big fish tank and watch the fish being fed. While we were there they had one part of the store all decked out for Christmas with a "Santa's Village", a picture with Santa and ornament making. Needless to say they had to sit on Santa's lap and get their picture taken. The little one's were the ones really wanting to do this but I make Lindsay and Kara do it as well (insert evil laugh here)and they really enjoyed themselves. I managed to grab a couple of pictures but as usual, mine leave little to be desired. And I was trying to take them after the "professionals" were already done and waiting for me before they could move on to the next person in line. Oh, and I think all of them really overwhelmed this poor Santa. He is probably used to one, maybe two kids at a time and I swear this man literally 3 shades of white when 5 kids bounded up to him at once. It was hilarious! HA!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Toy Prices and Doll Crazyness...

Can I just say that the price of toys is insane! My kids have a TON of toys too so I can't wait for "Santa" to bring them more. ;-P And Kara is now into American Girl Dolls, has anyone seen the prices of these dolls? They are $90, thats right, it's not a typo I said $90!! For a doll! Check it They are cute but it's crazy.....

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Here it is....

Well, I went ahead and did it. I put my Christmas Tree up. It does look nice from the outside with the lights shining through the window. Here it is....

With the lights off..

With the lights on...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Too early for the Christmas Tree???

Christmas is usually one of my favorite holidays. I am practically chomping at the bit every year to get my tree up and my house decorated. And I honestly go a little overboard with the decorations every year since I put lights on every square inch of my house and I own half a dozen of the infltatables, including a 12 ft Santa. But this year, I'm just not into it. I really have no feeling for the holidays at all and would just prefer to skip it. But I'm trying to get into it for my kids sake though, and it just seems that everywhere we go this year people have their christmas stuff already put up. We've seen lights on houses and tress in windows. So, I was thinking about putting my tree and decorations up tomorrow to try and get myself into the christmas mood. My question is, do you think it's too early??

New(ish) Car....

For those who read my earlier post about trying to find a used car, we did actually find one. We got a 1992 Jeep Cherokee. Jeremiah (who it was for) really likes it. I just think it's ok. ;-) We may not have it that long before I convince him to sell it for something better but for now he's happy since he's always wanted a "truck" of his own. And, its paid for, so how can you go wrong. lol.


Its probably not a surprise to most that pizza in our house is a food group. If you don't like it, you will most likely starve around here. We eat it at least 3 times a week (probably more). So yesterday for lunch we went to one of our favorites, Deweys Pizza. They are sooooo good. And like the crazy person that I am I snapped a couple of pics, people probably thought I was nuts taking pictures of my lunch. ;

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I wonder how many people actually read this??

I was commenting on something on Jennifer's blog (Chateau Kaufman) about posting everyday and it got me to thinking. I wonder how many people actually read this? I mean, its not a big deal really as I like doing it, but how many of you are out there? One, two?? Just a curious....

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My mom was on TV!!

She was on channel 9 talking about working from home and she was great! YAY MOM!!

Hello, my name is Jenna and I am addicted to coloring.....

I'm not kidding she really is. She comes home from school, does her homework and then this is what you see for the rest of the night. Is there a 12 step for coloring addiction??

And this is what Lindsay has looked like for almost 2 days in row. She has been home sick from school and has barely moved from this spot. Comfy couch, 60 inch tv, mother to wait on her hand and foot, what more could a sick girl ask for??

Monday, November 10, 2008

We must lead boring lives...

I have decided that we must lead boring lives right now. We check Jennifer's site pretty much everyday and there is always something new and exciting going on at the Chateau Kaufman, but here....not so much. I try and think of things to post about alot of the time but today , I just couldn't think of anything, so we get this post...about nothing. lol...carry on.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Rant of the moment....

We are looking for a used car and I have been checking on Craigslist to see what is listed. And I have come to the conclusion that people are insane. How can you start your sentence off with "car runs great" and end it with "oh, by the way, it doesn't have an engine or it needs a new transmission" Um HELLO, these are major things to be wrong with the car and should be at the VERY TOP that it needs them. Not buried in your creative wording. AAAAAHHHHH!!!! Okay, Rant over. :-P


I live about 5 seconds from Kroger, I mean literally you see it outside my front door. So we walk there all the time to get odds and ends instead of driving, plus we could all use the exercise. ;-) Anyway, the kids were running down the sidewalk and all excited and Austin felt Jenna was running just a little to slow for his liking and decided to give her a little shove to make her run a little faster....only she went face down in the pavement. Blood running down her face and everything. She is ok but ended up with a sad looking little face. Here are some pics of it. Oh and please ignore me pic in the one pic, I only added that one because it shows the scrapes really well. ;-)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

President Barack Obama == YAY!!!

Politics is a tricky subject to discuss with people so I think the subject line says it all. ;-)

Monday, November 3, 2008

4 weeks ago today, our lives changed...

Its really hard for me to believe that its been 4 weeks since my dad died. Some days it feels like it was yesterday and others it feels like it happened so long ago. But now that it's November I am actually dreading all of those "holidays" that are coming up and anyone who knows me knows that I am a holidays girl, I usually *love* Thanksgiving and decorating for Christmas, don't get me started. I have to use all kinds of willpower to wait until the weekend after Thanksgiving before I start putting my tree up and putting out the dozen inflatables that I own. But, this year I just don't feel ready for them and wish I could stop them from coming. I know that I have to have them because it wouldn't be fair to the kids not too but it just feels like theres not a whole lot to be thankful for right now. Okay, I'm going to stop now. Sorry I used the blog as a form of therapy and got all deep on you. ;-)

Here they are...Halloween 2008

Okay, I'm a little late but here are some promised pictures from Halloween. But you will notice that there are several kids missing. That is because they have now become wise as to where I put the pictures after I take them. lol. I could only get one of Lindsay (who looks thrilled) and Jenna (who is a camera hog). Everyone else was like "NO WAY". So, I see I will have to take spy pics of them so noone knows. ;-) Anyway, Lindsay costume was a last minute thing, she couldn't figure out what she wanted to be so I was looking for some ideas online and found this one. She is a "Pop Princess" I stuck a bunch of pop cans and bottles all over her and made her a pop crown that said "pop princess", this literally took me 5 minutes and people talked about it all night! Everywhere we went they commented on how cute is was, what a good idea or how inventive. I could not get over that something that was so simple got so many compliments!! Oh and if your keeping track, this is Jenna's 3RD costume, this time she's Hannah Montana. ;-)