Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Shopping

Jeremiah and I went and did a little Christmas shopping over the weekend. Lindsay and Kara have known about Santa for a couple of years, where the little ones still believe, as they should, so Lindsay stayed home and babysat and we took Kara with us (partially beause she causes the most problems when we're gone) and went to get some of it done. I always forget how CRAZY the mall and the toy stores get during Christmas time. People were insane!! Now I remember why I do most of my shopping online!! We did manage to get a good bit done although there is a little left. But now we only have 10 shopping days left!!! I did take a few pics of Kara, (she refused to look at me because she knew what I was doing), making Build-a-Bears Holly and Hal , for Kaylee and Jenna, check them out, they are moose and have lightup antlers and collars, they are so cute!!


ladytendaha said...

Holly and Hal are cute.

I assume that you saw the death of the guy opening the door on Black Friday? Apparently Christmas shoppers in the US truly are insane, so be careful!

The Crazy Rose 7 said...

Yep, that was at Walmart. People can be CRAZY at the Black Friday sales, but it always seems to center around Walmart so I avoid that place like the Plague on that day. There was actually a couple of cases here where people got into fist fights and one woman had her arm broken over a game system!! Insane. Mom, the girls and I went out a little bit but only to more sane looking places, and we didn't get out until about 7, you usually have the problems with the places where people have been in line outside for days and have decided they ARE getting that thing they sat there for no matter what. I like Cyber Monday much better, I just sit at the computer in my PJ's. ;-)