Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Hi Everyone! I hope your all having a great Christmas Eve. Today has been a pretty busy day here. We have made cookies for Santa and my mom came over since she's spending the night with us for a couple of days and we made Deviled Eggs. YUM!! Then we ate dinner and the kids opened presents that they had bought for each other at school (we need the room under the We made sure that we kept a good eye on on where Santa was with Santa Tracker so that we knew when he was getting close then it was time for bed. Sorry there aren't any pictures yet. I have a really bad cold and am just generally feeling like crud but I promise that I will take and post some of everything that happens tomorrow. Well, as soon as I am sure that everyone is tucked away sleeping in their beds, mom and I have a LOT of wrapping to do.

Have a wonderful Christmas!!!!

Melissa, Jeremiah, Sharon, Lindsay, Kara, Austin, Kaylee and Jenna

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