Monday, October 27, 2008

Look I'm a Bat!! and Gummy Eyeballs....

Yesterday we took the kids to the YMCA for their Fall Festival, they all got flyers about it at school and the way it was described in them it looked like it was going to be a big, neat thing. So I had pretty much hyped this thing up to them for days telling them how much fun it was going to be and that at the end there was going to be this thing we had never heard of before called "Trunk-or-Treating" where you go trick or treating from car to car. Yay, right? It was supposed to run from 2-5, so we get there just before 2, all excited, and this thing is SUCH a disappointment! It's like 5 booths set in the parking lost with lame little games that you need to buy tickets for and the trunk-or-treating doesn't even start until 4! There was no way these 5 little games was going to take us 2 hours to do. So needless to say we ended up leaving, disappointed. BUT, there is another one on Tuesday that we go every year that the city of Florence throws at the Government Center and it is always fun with LOTS of candy and games. So I will have more pics then. But for now I have pics of Jenna in one of her Halloween costumes. She picked this one to wear way before we left so I snapped a few pics. We have a large bucket FULL of Halloween costumes and Austin and Kaylee were waffling back and forth on which one they wanted right up until we left so I didn't end up getting any pictures of them but I will on Tuesday, promise. Oh and I thought I threw in a picture of my Halloween decoration that is in the middle of the kids table, they said its freaky to eat with eyes staring at them. lol.!!!

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