Saturday, October 11, 2008

Let's Feed the Fish!

Lindsay Feeding the Koi at the pond yesterday....
Yesterday, in an effort to take out minds off of everything that has happened lately we all hopped in my mom's van and drove about an hour and a half to Georgetown, Ky. They have a very nice Japanese style park there that everyone enjoys. You can walk down little paths and see japanese statues and feed TONS of Koi in a nice pond. We fed the Koi pretzels, they loved it and swarmed all over each other to get to the food. It was actually a really warm, nice sunny day for mid October so it tuned out well and everyone had fun. I wish that I would have thought to take more pictures but my mind has been really scattered and I just didn't think of it. ;-)


ladytendaha said...

Looks like a nice, relaxing, rejuvenating day, and that's exactly what the doctor ordered. Good job for having the insight to refresh yourselves, keep up the good work. By the way, you know that picture of Kara on the front page on the right? I thought that was a picture of you as a kid the whole time, I somehow didn't pay attention to the caption. How funny!

Jennifer said...

This sounds like a really cool park!