Friday, October 31, 2008


Just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a safe and happy halloween. We will be going trick or treating later tonight and I will post pics of the kids in their costumes sometime this weekend. Have a great day!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Look I'm a Bat!! and Gummy Eyeballs....

Yesterday we took the kids to the YMCA for their Fall Festival, they all got flyers about it at school and the way it was described in them it looked like it was going to be a big, neat thing. So I had pretty much hyped this thing up to them for days telling them how much fun it was going to be and that at the end there was going to be this thing we had never heard of before called "Trunk-or-Treating" where you go trick or treating from car to car. Yay, right? It was supposed to run from 2-5, so we get there just before 2, all excited, and this thing is SUCH a disappointment! It's like 5 booths set in the parking lost with lame little games that you need to buy tickets for and the trunk-or-treating doesn't even start until 4! There was no way these 5 little games was going to take us 2 hours to do. So needless to say we ended up leaving, disappointed. BUT, there is another one on Tuesday that we go every year that the city of Florence throws at the Government Center and it is always fun with LOTS of candy and games. So I will have more pics then. But for now I have pics of Jenna in one of her Halloween costumes. She picked this one to wear way before we left so I snapped a few pics. We have a large bucket FULL of Halloween costumes and Austin and Kaylee were waffling back and forth on which one they wanted right up until we left so I didn't end up getting any pictures of them but I will on Tuesday, promise. Oh and I thought I threw in a picture of my Halloween decoration that is in the middle of the kids table, they said its freaky to eat with eyes staring at them. lol.!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Where Did The Time Go???

My kids are gowing up WAY to fast and it seems like just yesterday they were so little. I was looking at some pictures of them that we have on the computer and thought I would post a few to share with everyone. Enjoy!!

Lindsay and Kara...


Kaylee...I love this picture....

Austin... "what do you mean they don't go on the outside?!".....

Austin and Kaylee....

Austin and Kaylee....

Lindsa, Kara and Becky....

Everyone with mom....

Austin and me....
I just realized that I have alot of Austin and Kaylee...I will post some more soon and will include more of other

Friday, October 17, 2008

Lindsay and Kara's Halloween Party....

Tonight was Lindsay and Kara's school Halloween Party. I'm not really into Halloween this year so I just wanted to throw their costumes together from stuff we already had at home. Lindsay wanted to be the "Walking Wounded" and Kara wanted to be a "Goth Princess". All we really had to do was buy some accessories. I thought they didn't turn out half bad!

This is Lindsay getting her fake "wounds" put on...

I thought this turned out so well..It's totally GROSS looking!!

Here she is..the Walking Wounded...

And presenting....Miss Goth Princess....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm not ready for winter!!

Lately we have been pretty lucky as far as weather is concerned. Considering it is the middle of October and we have been pretty consistently in the high 70's low 80's most days. However, you totally feel that change to fall happening. It is just downright cold and nasty looking outside. It makes you want to stay home and do nothing! And you now that before long everything will be cold and snowy and we will be stuck in 6 mths of winter. YUCK! Anyone for moving south??

Monday, October 13, 2008

We're Still Here.....

Just wanted to let everyone know that we're still here and everyone is doing ok. I just haven't really felt up to posting in the last couple of days. I've been having a really hard time adjusting now that everything is getting back to normal with everyone going back to work/school. There's so much stuff around here that I need to do and I just have no motivation right now to even do that. But I'm sure I'll be back to posting in no time. ;-)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Let's Feed the Fish!

Lindsay Feeding the Koi at the pond yesterday....
Yesterday, in an effort to take out minds off of everything that has happened lately we all hopped in my mom's van and drove about an hour and a half to Georgetown, Ky. They have a very nice Japanese style park there that everyone enjoys. You can walk down little paths and see japanese statues and feed TONS of Koi in a nice pond. We fed the Koi pretzels, they loved it and swarmed all over each other to get to the food. It was actually a really warm, nice sunny day for mid October so it tuned out well and everyone had fun. I wish that I would have thought to take more pictures but my mind has been really scattered and I just didn't think of it. ;-)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Awww...Can we have one mom???

Everyone had so much fun holding Avery And Elise the other day. They have all forgotten what its like to have a baby around., and truthfully I did too. These little girls are so adorable and were SO well behaved during the service. We had alot of fun seeing them. Unfortunately this was our first time since we just haven't been able to make it out to Jen's house. But it brought the inevitable question that day and the next, "Mom, can we have a new baby brother or sister?" Can anyone guess what the answer was??? I'll bet you won't have to think that hard about was "NO!" Okay so it wasn't quite that emphatically said, but the truth is, I love babies, would I really have had 5 of them if I didn't?? BUT, I don't think at this point in my life I would want to go back there. They are fun to hold and then give back though. lol. :-)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ervin F. Castor....June 1,1946-October 3,2008...I love you Dad

I am sure most of you know but after a long struggle to try and get better my dad died on Friday October 3, 2008. It was somewhat of a surprise because we had just been told that day that all of his tests were coming back normal and that he was getting better except for some drug changes that need to be made to help his confusion. But at around 12:30 that night his heart gave out. It is understandably a very difficult time for us right now and I am trying very hard to be strong and there for my mom. My dads service will be at Hickory Grove Baptist Church in Independence on Tuesday the 7th.