Tuesday, December 30, 2008

And the Angiogram results are.....

NO BLOCKAGES!!!! YAY!!! Thanks so much everyone for all your prayers and good thoughts, they really helped! Jeremiah had his Angiogram done this morning and everything looked great with his heart. This is a HUGE relief for everyone. Now we just have to do some other tests to find out why he is having the chest pain but the biggest thing has been ruled out. YAY!! Happy dance.....

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Present Insanity!!

Well here we are, another Christmas and another year that mom and I seriously over buy. Honestly, as you'll see, my Christmas tree is almost dwarfed by the amount of presents crowding around it and my family room is cut in half. One of these years, as we're wrapping the insane amount of boxes, when we say "they won't get this much next year" we will actually mean it. Although, I doubt it. lol. Here is proof of that....

Christmas Eve

Hi Everyone! I hope your all having a great Christmas Eve. Today has been a pretty busy day here. We have made cookies for Santa and my mom came over since she's spending the night with us for a couple of days and we made Deviled Eggs. YUM!! Then we ate dinner and the kids opened presents that they had bought for each other at school (we need the room under the tree..lol). We made sure that we kept a good eye on on where Santa was with Santa Tracker so that we knew when he was getting close then it was time for bed. Sorry there aren't any pictures yet. I have a really bad cold and am just generally feeling like crud but I promise that I will take and post some of everything that happens tomorrow. Well, as soon as I am sure that everyone is tucked away sleeping in their beds, mom and I have a LOT of wrapping to do.

Have a wonderful Christmas!!!!

Melissa, Jeremiah, Sharon, Lindsay, Kara, Austin, Kaylee and Jenna

Monday, December 22, 2008

11 yr old Blackmail.....

Kara told me I needed post a picture of the things she just made on the blog "Or Else"....so here you go. Introducing, Fred and Snow Manny.

Craft Time...

You know how when kids are too quiet you start to wonder what's going on? Well, that's exacly what just happened. With 5 kids around usually it sounds like WW3 around here, so when they are quiet I get nervous. Well, I walked into the kitchen and apparently it was craft time. How cute. They were all in there making snow flakes. Awww....

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ok, who ordered the snow?!?

Earlier yesterday they said there was a storm coming, then they said we might get a dusting, now I look out my front windows and see this!! And I just got a call from Jenna's school that she will have all day kindergarten today because they are not letting buses run right now for her to come home. lol. I bet she loved that. ;-)

You can't see it very well but it's snowing really hard in this picture....

Please say a prayer for us....

I have a small request, please say a prayer for us. Jeremiah has been having chest pains for a little over a year, early in January I actually had to call 911 for him because he thought he was having a heart attack. He had a stress test done at that time and everything turned out okay with it except for his cholesterol, which he has brought down significantly. Fast forward to now and he has been having pretty bad chest pains again the last couple of months, his cardiologist put him on a new medicine for a month to see if that would help and it didn't. I called them on Friday to let them know and they made an appointment for him to be seen yesterday, what they decided was that he needed to have an Angiogram done on Dec.30Th to rule out any blockages in his heart. PLEASE pray for us that everything turns out okay and that they don't find anything. He is acting like its not a big deal but I am seriously about to have a nervous breakdown with everything that has happened lately.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Shopping

Jeremiah and I went and did a little Christmas shopping over the weekend. Lindsay and Kara have known about Santa for a couple of years, where the little ones still believe, as they should, so Lindsay stayed home and babysat and we took Kara with us (partially beause she causes the most problems when we're gone) and went to get some of it done. I always forget how CRAZY the mall and the toy stores get during Christmas time. People were insane!! Now I remember why I do most of my shopping online!! We did manage to get a good bit done although there is a little left. But now we only have 10 shopping days left!!! I did take a few pics of Kara, (she refused to look at me because she knew what I was doing), making Build-a-Bears Holly and Hal , for Kaylee and Jenna, check them out, they are moose and have lightup antlers and collars, they are so cute!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Nothing New....

Sometimes I feel bad because I really don't have something to post everyday. Our lives our pretty boring in that we have a routine and do the same things everyday, school, work, homework, dinner, bed and then get up and do it all over again. So most of the time I only post when we do something different. I feel bad thinking that people are checking here and thinking "Nothing new, again!", lol, But honestly, no there's nothing new going on. ;-) I hope everyone one of you out there is having a great day though. And if not a great one, then better than the last. We are thinking of you too. ;-)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Scuba Santa

Yesterday we all went to the Newport Aquarium to see Scuba Santa. Its a really cute thing that Aquarium does where they tell you a story about how on Christmas Eve the reindeer's didn't realize that Santa wasn't in the sleigh and accidentally took off without him. So Santa dove into the ocean and used sea horses to get him where he needed to be. ;-) Sounds kind of silly but it really is very cute. If you live in the area I definitely recommend going. We love Aquariums, so we have a season pass. My kids had tons of fun, even the older ones, since it isn't everyday that you see an underwater Santa, especially one with sharks and rays swimming past him. The last picture I had to get a shot of, it was hilarious to me to see that big shark hanging from the ceiling wearing a Santa hat with a Christmas wreath hanging out of it's mouth ;-)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Band Concert

Tuesday night was the girls Christmas band concert. All 3 girls (Lindsay, Kara and Emily)played their instruments really well. In fact Emily had duel roles because she was singing in the choir at the same concert. It was a fun time. ;-)