Monday, January 12, 2009

Nothing going on here....

Sorry I haven't updated in about a week but there really hasn't been anything going on to tell everyone about. We've just been getting back into our routine of school/work and I've been sick for what feels like weeks now, only now I have laryngitis, which I'm sure Jeremiah and the kids are doing the happy dance over. lol.
Over the next couple of weeks I probably won't get a chance to update all that much either because my mom is going to be moving in around February 15 and we will be packing up my parents house. I'm sure it's going to be really awful for everyone, so please wish us luck and strength to get through it. We are really looking fore ward to having her here, although I'm sure she's going to miss "quiet" time because we don't have any of that here. ;-) I hope everyone is doing well and just know that we love and miss you all. See ya later!!

1 comment:

ladytendaha said...

We certainly will be praying for you guys to get through the packing/moving with the least amount of pain. Just remember that there are soooo many poor people out there right now, it's the perfect time to have to give some things away; it can really make a difference in someone's life, so keep that in mind at all times. :) Nothing's been going on anywhere it seems, all's quiet on both the western and eastern fronts. ;)