Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Has everyone heard of Twitter??

Until today I had no idea what Twitter was, I don't consider my technology challanged but sometimes I'm just not "up" on what's new. So, today I discovered Twitter. It is a site that is sort of like a blog only instead of getting long posts with pics and whatnot you get short little updates. To be honest, that is actually easier for me to do than to get on here and make a big long post. Don't get me wrong, I will do both, but with the way Twitter is set up I can update everyone with what's going on in our lives better from my Blackberry. So, with that being said if you look to the right, you will see updates that I post on Twitter now as well. I'm still going to do regular post with pics of the kids and such but this is just a little something, extra! See, technology can be cool!! And if you want follow on the Twitter site, my page is here

1 comment:

ladytendaha said...

I had heard of Twitter but never followed up on checking into what it was. It reminds me of the facebook section which asks you what you're doing; it does seem easier, certainly less formal.