Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 4 of no school...

Thats right, I said day 4! And I'm going to be honest, they are really starting to drive me a little nuts, well thats not really a far drive but you get the idea. I don't expect them to have school tomorrow either and the weathermen are saying we may have another storm next monday. STOP THE INSANITY!! Okay, I'm better now. I had a little moment there. Here's a little pic, it was lunchtime at the zoo.


Anonymous said...

That's so funny! I can relate -- we only had two days off of school because of the snow. My kids are back today. HOORAY!

The Crazy Rose 7 said...

Well now they are going to be off for 5 days since school was just called off for tomorrow. I'll trade you your 2 days for my 5. :P