Friday, August 1, 2008

18 Days Until School Starts...And Jenna Leaves

This adorable baby is going to school ;-(

Well today is August 1st (HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM) and that means that there is only 18 days left until school starts. In a way that is good news because having all of them home for the last 3 months everyday can sometimes be TOO much. :-) But this year back to school is bittersweet because my baby Jenna is going to Kindergarten. :-( It does not seem possible to me that this little girl is ready for school. She was just born yesterday, right? And when she goes to school that will mean for a half a day, all of my kids will be in school. How is this possible? I have been a stay at home mom for what seems like ever and now all of a sudden, they will all be gone. What am I going to do with myself for that half a day?? I guess it will give me a chance to get laundry done and the house cleaned without tasmanian devils wrecking it behind me. :-) I will try to enjoy this year since it is only going to be half a day. Although just the thought of her being in school is very sad to me and I'm sure on the first day of school I will have to be dragged away from her class room crying by Jeremiah. But it's only half a day.....until next year. ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.