Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy 6th Birthday Jenna!!

I don't know where the time went or how it happened but somehow my little baby turned 6 today. :( Happy Birthday baby!!

Jenna in her new Hannah Montana Dress....

Monday, March 16, 2009

No more cast and something only I could do.....

So last week was a good one for Lindsay, she went on Friday to get her cast taken off, which she was MORE then ready to do. And was very happy to have use of her arm back although she wasn't expecting it to be as sore as it always is after having a cast removed. So hopefully, cross your fingers, there won't be anymore casts around here for awhile. Now broken bones is another story......Which leads you to me, I have a broken finger, AGAIN!! The same finger, may I add, that I broke last year!! Oh joy, NOT! Seriously only I could break the same finger twice and in such a stupid way! I won't bore you with the details, lets just say it involves very heavy wooden blinds, falling off the wall and onto my hand....enough said. Only I could break a bone with a mini blind... Here are some pics, and I know the lady thought I was nuts taken pictures of Lindsay getting her cast taken OFF. lol.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Kara's Bowl...

Kara made a really neat bowl in Art Class that she wanted to show everyone. It is her favorite color and really cute!!

Conservatory and Spring (sort of).....

So we've had some pretty good weather lately. It's been up into the 70's!!! But as we kknow it's only March and I'm sure this is just a tease because winter isn't usually done with us yet. :P BUT, we took advantage of the weather over the weekend and went to the Cobservatory, it was so nice to see all the beautiful flowers and think about Spring!! They had this "Moroccan" theme going on with beautful colored "jeewels" all over the place, it was so pretty! As usual you will notice Lindsay is not in the pictures, she is a teenage now (as she points out often) and doesn't like to "do" family things anymore.