Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 4 of no school...

Thats right, I said day 4! And I'm going to be honest, they are really starting to drive me a little nuts, well thats not really a far drive but you get the idea. I don't expect them to have school tomorrow either and the weathermen are saying we may have another storm next monday. STOP THE INSANITY!! Okay, I'm better now. I had a little moment there. Here's a little pic, it was lunchtime at the zoo.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Playing in the snow....

Lindsay and Kara were the only one's brave enough to go out and play in the snow. And even they didn't stay for long. And when Jeremiah got home from work, he took part in that time honored tradition of throwing snow balls at your kids. :-P

Snow, snow and more snow.....

So this morning we woke up to 6 inches of snow on the ground. They had said it was coming but everytime they said snow was coming we got rain. ;-) But they said that this giant snow storm was headed our way and this time they got it right. We have 6 inches now and it is still snowing hard. From what they are saying by the time it stops snowing tomorrow afternoon we could have up to a FOOT of snow. Crazy....

The view from my front door...

Kara's deep foot prints going outside to measure the snow..

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Silly Austin....

I was deleting some of the pictures off of my phone and came across these from last week and thought I would share them. We were at Sams and Austin, for some reason, really liked my moms ear muffs and wanted to wear them even if they were girly looking, and didn't care who was looking. I thought it was hilarious!! As you can see he looks completetly thrilled that I was taking his picture.

Inauguration Day 2008

The coverage was on tv all day, that was okay with me since I find it interesting to watch. My kids however, were not so thrilled. Seems, they had to watch it on tv at school (good for them). I reminded them that history was being made and it would turn out to be one of those things that when your older and talking to your kids/grandkids you will remember exacly where you were when our first african american president was sworn in.

See, I'm keeping the blog about family but we can allow just a teeny bit of politics since it was a historic day that needed just a little write up ;-)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Really busy and a new laptop.....

The lack of posts lately has to do with the fact that we have had ALOT going on here. My mom moved in over the weekend and we have been trying to get everyone situated. I also got a new laptop and am really slow at figuring out how to do everything on it. I will figure it out sooner or later. ;-)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Did you know we have 9 Hermit Crabs???

We dont' have dogs or cats as pets, we have Hermit Crabs. They are easy to take care of and honestly don't really require anything at all, but food and water. Basiclly they just do their own thing. The kids really like looking in their tank and watching them walk around and do nothing or watch all of them pile on top of each other and sleep inside of a hollow log thats in there. We started out with only one that we bought at a pet store, and for awhile he had this whole tank to himself, but we read that hermit crabs like to live in packs so we started looking to buy another one, they are only around 10 bucks. Last september I was reading Craigslist and there was an ad in the free section about a pet store that was closing and the lady was giving away free hermit crabs, so I called and arranged to meet her to look at them, we told the kids we would get a "few", well when we got there we found out they were all the painted shell kind that my kids love so much and there was batman, and spiderman and all kids of different ones and before I knew it we had 9. But we love them and they are our pets. We don't really "play" them but we do get them out (not all at once)and let them crawl on the carpet and the kids LOVE it. Here are a few pics.........

Yes, this is about the cold again.....

I don't remember it ever being this cold here before. The current temp is....

Current Temp.
Partly cloudy

Nope, you didn't read that wrong, it really does say -6. And that is the actual temperature, you haven't factored in the wind chill yet, and there is a high wind asdvisory for today. So we're looking at it feeling like -30 outside. CRAZY!!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

It is TOO darn cold!!!

Okay, so it is a big 7 degrees right now, going up to a whole 10 today! And they say with wind chills it feels like its 10-20 below zero outside!!!! That is just too cold for this chick! And its actually not normal for this area to get this cold. I could understand if we were in, say, Minnesota.
Anyway, this weekend should be fun as my mom's move in date has moved up she will be moving in this weekend. There is good reason for it, and we can't wait until she's here but we are all going to freeze doing it. Send us warm thoughts.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Has everyone heard of Twitter??

Until today I had no idea what Twitter was, I don't consider my technology challanged but sometimes I'm just not "up" on what's new. So, today I discovered Twitter. It is a site that is sort of like a blog only instead of getting long posts with pics and whatnot you get short little updates. To be honest, that is actually easier for me to do than to get on here and make a big long post. Don't get me wrong, I will do both, but with the way Twitter is set up I can update everyone with what's going on in our lives better from my Blackberry. So, with that being said if you look to the right, you will see updates that I post on Twitter now as well. I'm still going to do regular post with pics of the kids and such but this is just a little something, extra! See, technology can be cool!! And if you want follow on the Twitter site, my page is here

Monday, January 12, 2009

Nothing going on here....

Sorry I haven't updated in about a week but there really hasn't been anything going on to tell everyone about. We've just been getting back into our routine of school/work and I've been sick for what feels like weeks now, only now I have laryngitis, which I'm sure Jeremiah and the kids are doing the happy dance over. lol.
Over the next couple of weeks I probably won't get a chance to update all that much either because my mom is going to be moving in around February 15 and we will be packing up my parents house. I'm sure it's going to be really awful for everyone, so please wish us luck and strength to get through it. We are really looking fore ward to having her here, although I'm sure she's going to miss "quiet" time because we don't have any of that here. ;-) I hope everyone is doing well and just know that we love and miss you all. See ya later!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year, New Look....

As you can tell there have been some changes around here. I thought it was time for a change. I am still on the fence about the new look though so let me know what you think, good or bad, I can take it. ;-)

New "Grown-up" Glasses

So, Lindsay has had the same glasses for about 3 yrs, and they were kids glasses so they were small, but back then she was small small, fast fore ward 3 yrs and she is a full fledged teenager who is as tall as I am and has a size 9 women's foot! So, not small anymore and those "little kid" glasses needed to go. On Friday we took her to get a new eye exam and to Lenscrafters to pick out some new frames. I think the ones that she picked out look really cute on her and she LOVES them, PLUS she likes that they make her look older. ;-P Here's some pics.....

New Glasses..."Look at how cool and grown up I look in these" :-)

New glasses..."Okay,(sigh)take my picture"!!

Lindsay with her old glasses from last year

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year Everyone!! Here's hoping that 2009 is better than 2008!! We don't really do much on New Years Eve, as I don't really like being out with all of the drunks. ;-) So usually we just stay in, and this year was no exception. We made lots of snack food, played some board games and then watched the New Years shows. All 3 of the little ones crash WAY before midnight so it's only Lindsay and Kara that make it to watch the ball drop (and as you'll see by the pics, one didn't). We had a great time and I hope all of you did too!! ;-)

Happy New Year!!

I'm still WIDE awake!! (which is a shock because she falls asleep at the drop of a hat usually)

Lindsay's not going to make it to midnight!!

They love each other...sometimes