Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Moving is so not fun and Jeremiah and I have been married 13 yrs!

To those who think moving is somehow fun I can attest to the fact that no it's not. We have been moving pretty steadily everyday for a week now, but it feels like a month! I am just so tired of it. And I am what you would call an organized, somewhat neat freak and I HATE things just laying around so boxes sitting everywhere are driving me nuts! Yes, this new house is ALOT bigger than our old one. In fact I am not at all used to having a formal dining room and a living room AND a family room PLUS an entire basement downstairs. It's just more room than we have ever had. But right now everything is box covered so hopefully pretty soon we will be able to "see" all these rooms. For now I will just keep unpacking. Sorry for the rant, but aren't blogs for venting too. lol :-)

Also, today is mine and Jeremiah's 13 anniversary. Can you believe it!? Where have the years gone...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Its been forever!

I know its been forever since I've posted but rest assured we are all alive and well. It has just been a *really* long month with KY hurricanes, no power, moving to a new bigger (see..fits all of us!) house, and everything that has been going on with my dad. I promise that once things get more settled down I will be back to posting. :-) Meanwhile here is a pic of our new house, Kaylee and Jenna in their new beds waiting for their mattresses to come, and Kara and her cousin Katie.