Thursday, August 28, 2008

They love school...sometimes..

Well, we are now in our 2nd week of the new school year and so far everyone is loving it. Sometimes...I have had a few "I don't wanna go" moments with them but as soon as they see their friends at the bus stop they are over it. ;-)

Happy Birthday Kara!

Today is Kara's birthday. Can you believe she's 11 now! And that Lindsay is 13... Impossible.......

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How can she be 13??

Remember this little girl? She is now a bonafide teenager. Ugh! How did this happen? It seems like just yesterday she was going to pre-K and playing on jungle gyms. Now she's a teenager, in middle school and black has become one of her favorite colors. Where did the time go??

Happy 13th Birthday Lindsay!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Where's the Quiet Time??

Well school has started and as some of you may know I was really nervous about having all 5 kids in school but really kind of looking forward to a little bit of peace in the afternoon. But it seems like every time I get someone on or off of a bus, its time to do it again. Lindsay and Kara's bus comes at 7:20, once I get them on the bus I immediately go into getting Austin and Kaylee dressed, fed and ready for their bus to come at 8:15 and then I do get a little bit to relax a little until I need to be getting Jenna dressed, have lunch done and have her at the bus stop at noon. But I swear I know there is technically 3 hrs until Lindsay and Kara then get home but it seems like 5 minutes. Once Jenna leaves I clean up the breakfast and lunch dishes, get some laundry on and sit down to eat some lunch of my own it seems like they are walking in the door! Where is this "quiet time" everyone kept talking about?? Right now, it seems to be hiding from me. ;-)

Oh and about the picture. This is a picture taken on the first day of school before I took everyone for their first day. I know its not a great picture but honestly this about the 15th picture of all 5 of them that I took in a row trying to get everyone to look at the camera at the same time and believe it or not this is the best one. ;-)

Friday, August 1, 2008

18 Days Until School Starts...And Jenna Leaves

This adorable baby is going to school ;-(

Well today is August 1st (HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM) and that means that there is only 18 days left until school starts. In a way that is good news because having all of them home for the last 3 months everyday can sometimes be TOO much. :-) But this year back to school is bittersweet because my baby Jenna is going to Kindergarten. :-( It does not seem possible to me that this little girl is ready for school. She was just born yesterday, right? And when she goes to school that will mean for a half a day, all of my kids will be in school. How is this possible? I have been a stay at home mom for what seems like ever and now all of a sudden, they will all be gone. What am I going to do with myself for that half a day?? I guess it will give me a chance to get laundry done and the house cleaned without tasmanian devils wrecking it behind me. :-) I will try to enjoy this year since it is only going to be half a day. Although just the thought of her being in school is very sad to me and I'm sure on the first day of school I will have to be dragged away from her class room crying by Jeremiah. But it's only half a day.....until next year. ;-)